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Francine Walls
Giant Pacific Octopus
look carefully around, then worry. It can scuttle over land. Longer than a car, it squeezes through an orange-size hole. The beak? In...
A Church Burns
our aged container of our times together in prayer, sermon, song both in joy and in sorrow. We have gathered here for years, over...
Cathédrale de Notre Dame
in fog, sepulcher white, barely formed, the façade emerges from the mist each statue takes his place above the arches the flying...
Return Flight
you know, just wait until the door is closing to run up and say, “Wait for me I’m boarding, too!” on that plane to somewhere. Sitting in...
L’imagination pouvoir.
In 1968, students barricade Place Maubert tearing up the cobblestones stoning police that march shoulder to shoulder toward them. The...
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